Getting a phone network in Nepal
I’ve arrived in Nepal, I’m going to be here for the next 3 months. While here, I’m going to be staying with my wifes family in Kathmandu. I quickly realised that the Internet connection at the house simply was not sufficient. 128kbp or 256kbp, slow as a wet wick. This is through the Nepal Telecom.
Ruby 4 secret_key_base
Something that caught be out week was the introduction of the secret_key base in Rails 4.
Media Landscape talk
So last month I participated in a great session at Fishburners discussing the media landscape & tracking influencers.
Farewell ABC
I’m sad to write that this is my last day at ABC. I started in ABC only last year and while it was only a short time I will look at my time at Aunty fondly.
This is the first day of my professional life
I’m nervous. I’m writing this the day before I’m about to hand in my notice to my workplace. It’s a step that i need to take but one that I could never have contemplated making even one year ago.