• The direction of Dev-ops

    Container-based development will power the future of the enterprise. Containers And Functions-As-A-Service have become the defacto-norm in enterprise architecture.

  • Look ma, no tracking.

    I’ve been adding Google Analytics to each one of my sites ever since it launched. It was the defacto snippet of code in a simple partial that was on every custom landing page, every microsite. My clients never complained as it was always added in. Track everything was my mantra.

  • i3 is awesome

    Having been using the default OS of Debian / Ubuntu for the past 20 years I’ve slowly starting looking for alternatives. My goal was to reduce the load as much as possible on either my laptop or desktop at startup, preferring that my docker containers would use those resources instead. I’m not one of those folks who has compiz installed, please don’t offend my eyes.

  • Pingdom - Marketing Fail

    So a customer of mine had signed up with Pingdom as part of one of their projects. They noticed that they really were not getting any value out of the pingdom service so they cancelled the account.

  • Asleep at the wheel

    I feel like I have been asleep at the wheel, the past months have been a blur.